Make Money While You Sleep
My recent post on New Year’s Resolutions that home inspectors should seriously consider adopting included a suggestion that inspectors investigate Affiliate Programs. Many businesses pay commissions for referrals. In the post, I recommended the ADT Program because it a. requires no selling – you simply put a banner on your website or give your clients a circular that offers them a free installation – b. it is tailor-made for the home inspection industry – put the circular in your inspection report and c. the payout is pretty decent. And it’s a genuine benefit to your client. Go here to learn more.
That post prompted a New York home inspector to ask whether such programs might run afoul of anti-kickback real estate laws.
I am not aware of any laws proscribing home inspector participation in such programs. Nor can I think of any reason why there would be.
Another great Affiliate Program is Amazon’s. I am hard pressed to recall the last time that I was in a retail establishment – where I actually bought something – that did not sell food. I make almost all of my non-food purchases on line. And I make almost all of my online purchases at