Don’t Refund Every Home Inspection Claim…Most Have NO Validity
I am continuously astonished at the willingness of home inspectors to issue refunds to clients for the slightest home inspection claim that they make. Since these complaints virtually never have any validity, you do not have to be Buckminster Fuller to conclude that refunding fees to every unhappy client is a bad business model. And home inspectors complain to me about home inspector insurance companies paying out for bogus claims!
At least once a week, I have to talk a home inspector out of refunding his fee to a client who is making an unreasonable demand. Often all that is necessary to neutralize these complaints is to point out to the client – politely but firmly – that the issue that he is complaining about could not have been discovered by a limited non-invasive visual inspection.
Recently, I spoke with a home inspector client who had performed a home inspection for a client in June. In December, the region had experienced torrential rains accompanied by gale force winds. The client was complaining about water intrusion through the clapboard siding. He wanted to know how to respond to this ridiculous home inspection claim.