Home inspectors nationwide talk about the benefits of Joe Ferry’s ClaimIntercept services, and the peace of mind and risk protection Joe provides against the meritless home inspection claims permeating the industry.
- Mark Panetti: Joe Allows Me to Concentrate on Home InspectionsWATCH VIDEO >>
Mark Panetti is a high-volume home inspector who realizes that calls and letters from concerned customers is part of the business, however handling it himself doesn’t have to be. Joe takes care of Mark’s “problems” so Mark can focus on doing what he does best: home inspections.
- Jory Lannes: Joe Was The First Name That Came to MindWATCH VIDEO >>
Jory Lannes had several legal issues his insurance company didn’t handle adequately. His wife, a lawyer herself, told him to find a lawyer with experience in this area. The first name that came to mind: Joe Ferry.
- David Haught: Joe Saved My DeductibleWATCH VIDEO >>
David Haught has been in the home inspection business for over 20 years. He recently turned a frivolous lawsuit over to Joe Ferry. Joe’s strategic response saved David his $2,500 deductible.
- Aaron Rath: Joe Takes Care of the 99%!WATCH VIDEO >>
Aaron Rath is tired of the meritless claims pervading his office. He wants Joe on his side to take are of the 99% – the meritless claims that are commonplace in this industry.
- Lorin Rothbell: The Math Makes Sense to Have Joe on Your SideWATCH VIDEO >>
Home inspector Lorin Rothbell did the math – for roughly $2 per home inspection, he now the nation’s leading home inspection legal authority on his side against meritless home inspection claims.
- George Famulare: I Call Joe and The Issue DisappearsWATCH VIDEO >>
Home inspector George Famulare notices a trend – each time he has to unfortunately call Joe Ferry, the issue disappears. With ClaimIntercept, George rests easy!