Everything’s Negotiable!
My recent post, When Attorneys Amend Your Agreement, prompted this question from Las Vegas inspector, Gordy Zorn:
Joe, My question is how can anyone alter a contract except for the company who wrote it up in the first place? When buying a house, you have to sign a contract and you can’t pick and choose what part you agree with and not. You want the house, you sign. You don’t want the house, you don’t sign. Same with a car or any other major purchase. It’s our contract and our rules. They either abide by our rules or the go somewhere else. I don’t know any home inspector that doesn’t use a pre-inspection agreement and for the most part I always thought it was mandatory when getting insurance or at least it’s one of the questions on an application for insurance.
I did have someone cross out an area once on my pre-inspection agreement and I told him it didn’t matter what he crossed out, everything on my contract is still in force. If he didn’t agree with my contract, I wouldn’t be able to do the inspection. He hemmed and hawed but he signed it anyways.