Brand X Home Inspector Insurance Companies Hazardous to Your Wealth

Tip 7 - Brand X Insurance Companies If you’ve seen any effective product-based television advertising, you know all about Brand X, the competing product that left ring around the collar, caused soapy buildup and dry lifeless hair.

In the real-world home inspection industry, Brand X Insurance companies are the ones that can cost you a small fortune. Why? As I discussed in another ClaimsAcademy report, most home inspection insurance companies have the highest instincts of self-preservation and are at all times trying to settle a claim on their most favorable terms, not yours.


When Claimants Simply Make Allegations Up

Dear Joe – I am a Home Inspector of 5, very busy and successful years, here in [New England], despite the down housing economy.

I have just learned of you and have visited your website. I am very interested in learning more of your ClaimIntercept[™] Program.  Also I would like to know if your seminar titled “ Law & Disorder Seminar” is available as a DVD that I could purchase. I reside quite far away from the areas where you do any public speaking on a regular basis. I am a member of InterNACHI, and watch on their website for any further info about your Seminars maybe coming to [this] area.

Can you send me to any further information about ClaimIntercept?

My other reason for writing is that I am, for the first time, going to have a lawsuit filed against me for a “claimed omission” on a job, which is a false claim by a seller.  I do not feel I am responsible for the situation and that I did nothing wrong; it is the seller’s word against my word, basically. And that the seller is using this situation for his own gain, at my expense – to the tune of $15,000.
